Are you renting a home? Did you struggle with the home market and just give up? Did you buy a home and succeed? (If yes, CONGRATS!) Lets be real.. buying a home in this day and age, especially in the bay area and NYC, is just so difficult and expensive!
In 2017, I moved out of my parents home and went across country to NYC. It was the best decision I have ever made for myself, and have grown in tremendous ways. Fast forward to 2020, due to COVID I figured I wanted to be closer to family and decided to move back. I absolutely love the bay area, I mean.. it’s home to me, however, I truly believe my heart was left in NYC. That being said, Michael and I decided to rent a home here and see where life takes us in a few years. Maybe we’ll move back to NYC, maybe we won’t. Either way, with our life style renting just makes more sense. For instance, in October we’ll be living in NYC for 2 months (MY EXCITEMENT IS INDESCRIBABLE).
Once we finally got all our things from the moving company and arranged all of our furniture, I figured lets start decorating! I wanted to add the panels in my living room, paint the bedroom and a few walls, and start hanging pictures. As anyone who is renting, Michael wasn’t too thrilled with this since we’ll have to repaint and fix everything back up once we move out. I actually got a lot of people asking me if we bought a house since I was doing so much to the house we’re currently renting. I totally understand the fear and tiredness when it comes to redoing everything once we leave, but I see it in a different way.
No, we definitely don’t know where life will take us in a few years. However, I want to feel at home and have some sort of character to the house that I am currently living in. I know it’s a pain in the future, but I’d very much rather live in the present and be happy with this place I call home until we no longer want to renew our lease. And that’s why I recommend YOU do the same!
The best thing about painting is that you can always paint it back! The panels in my living room are adhered with double sided mounting tape, so no holes were drilled into the wall. There are so many renter friendly ways to make your home feel like your’s, and easy to take apart in the future. If you need help convincing your partner, just let me know and I have a few tricks up my sleeves for you..
If you’re on the fence with doing more to the place you’re currently renting, I say just do it.. TODAY! Start making your place your own - renting or not. With the housing market, renting is honestly the norm so don’t just wait around and say “I’ll wait until I buy a home to make it mine”. Like people say, there’s no better time than now. Let me know if you ever need any advice or help - always happy to lend a helping hand!